Are you ready?


Are you ready?

.. for opportunity when it comes knocking on YOUR door?

I surely wasn’t, for most of the times when it’s been past my door.

LINK For example when I was interviewed by John on his EOfire podcast. Having then more than a million downloads that scared me into doing nothing more than showing up, with trembling knees.

Likewise when I was awarded Consultant of 2013 Q4, out of their 7500 consultants to choose from all I could think of was the people I knew that was just as great as I am.
Resulting that I did little thinking what was beyond this event. How I could help others beyond what I was giving here and now.
(check the interview at the bottom of this page if you prefer audio)

The thing is. Alternative cost is in every choice you make, everything you do or don’t do.

I was honored to be re-invited to John’s podcast a second time, and then I did prepare so It became very obvious how much a difference it made comparing the aftereffects of these too.

In short: it became obvious what a mistake I made when I didn’t come suitable prepared to the first interview, when that was the only difference between these two times.

Over and over in my life Ive done this mistake, and Im still doing it every now and again.

But since I really learned to come prepared for the choose
If it’s worth accepting a meeting, or a goal. It’s worth preparing for. Remind yourself of the alternative cost of NOT preparing. Guard your time investment. Ensure you get the most of out them by preparing.